Vision Therapy in Humboldt

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Train Your Vision to Work Best for You

To help your vision achieve its fullest potential, we offer vision therapy exercises that can improve your visual system.

If you’re interested in what vision therapy can do for you, please contact us to book an appointment today!

Book Your Appointment

What is Vision Therapy?

Vision therapy is a series of exercises tailored to fine-tune certain aspects of your vision. Vision therapy can help a range of visual deficits, but some of the most common include:

Your vision therapist can adjust your exercises as you make progress. However, results aren’t guaranteed. Because every eye has unique needs, we will work with you to find a solution if vision therapy isn’t working for you.

Our Vision Therapy Techniques

Prisms change the orientation of your eyes and shifts when your eye moves. The point of using prisms is to help improve the relationship between the eye, mind, and body, improving your perception of depth and space.

Convergence therapy occurs when your eyes aren’t able to work together properly while looking at close-up objects. Some symptoms of convergence insufficiency include:

  • Tired, sore, and uncomfortable eyes
  • Headaches
  • Double vision
  • Difficulty concentrating

We can develop a treatment plan to help manage these issues.

Visit Us Today!

You can find our office right on Main Street in Humboldt, right next to Accent Insurance Services. There is ample street parking, and our office is wheelchair accessible.

Our Address

517 Main Street
Chamney Platz
P.O Box #3720

Humboldt, SK S0K 2AO


Phone: 306.682.1590
Fax: 306.682.1593
[email protected]

Hours of Operation

8:30 AM5 PM
8:30 AM5 PM
8:30 AM5 PM
12 PM7 PM
8:30 AM5 PM

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